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Ladies learning about Lavender
On the 23rd of June, Lavender in Lavender Hill hosted yet another lavender education session, this time with the Ladies Group form the...
"Mzansi maker" Lavender in Lavender Hill speaks to MzansiStore about their journey
Marcelle van Zyl, owner of Lavender in Lavender Hill, tells us how her business is making a difference in the community of Cape Town's...

Meet the maker: Lavender in Lavender Hill
Lavender in Lavender Hill products are high quality, health beneficial, all natural lavender body and food products. These special...
DAGBREEK: Kleinsake – Lavender in Lavender Hill
Toe Marcelle van Zyl besef daar is geen laventel plante in Lavender Hill in die Kaap nie wou sy dadelik die saak regstel. Die laventel...

Benefits of Lavender Tea
Ease you into the year with our Lavender Tea This fragrant, flavourful herbal tea is made with real lavender flowers and rooibos leaves....
The Gifts we Gave in 2014
As we swiftly move towards the end of yet another year, it is time to pause and look back over 2014 - its highs, lows, achievements and...

Teaching the ladies from Retreat Church about Lavender
On the 26th of August, 35 ladies form Retreat Church learnt all about Lavender with Lavender in Lavender Hill. On that rainy Saturday...

Lavender in Lavender Hill at the Fine Women Business Expo
2 August saw the Fine Women Business Expo, Cape Town rolling out the red carpet at the annual Old Mutual Fine Women Business Showcase. ...

Product of the Month - Essential Lavender Oil
If you’re looking to get some bang for your buck, lavender oil is a godsend. Whether you want to use the fragrant essential oil for...
Why we like Lavender in Lavender Hill - by the New World Foundation
The partnership between New World Foundation and Lavender in Lavender Hill was started from a point of gender awareness. Male/female...
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