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Cooking with Lavender
In Europe cooking with Lavender is not a new thing. South African, however, is not yet widely familiar with the use of the lavender herb...

Meet the maker: Lavender in Lavender Hill
Lavender in Lavender Hill products are high quality, health beneficial, all natural lavender body and food products. These special...
DAGBREEK: Kleinsake – Lavender in Lavender Hill
Toe Marcelle van Zyl besef daar is geen laventel plante in Lavender Hill in die Kaap nie wou sy dadelik die saak regstel. Die laventel...

Benefits of Lavender Tea
Ease you into the year with our Lavender Tea This fragrant, flavourful herbal tea is made with real lavender flowers and rooibos leaves....
The Gifts we Gave in 2014
As we swiftly move towards the end of yet another year, it is time to pause and look back over 2014 - its highs, lows, achievements and...

Scrub a dub dub with our Body Scrub
We know it exists, but many of us don't take the time to use it – Body Scrubs. Did you know that 90% of the dust in your home is dead...
The Next 48 hours TV: Lavender in Lavender Hill
Lavender in Lavender Hill Products at the Homemakers Expo Cape Town. Featured on 48 Hours TV on Cape Town TV. #thenext48hourstv #48hours...

48 Hours Newspaper: Health & Beauty Product with purpose – Lavender - WIN!!
By RoxyK We all love body, skin and hair care products that work to hydrate the skin and also give the body an overall clean, fresh...

See Lavender in Lavender Hill at the Homemakers Expo Cape Town
Yes, the rumors are true. Lavender in Lavender Hill will be at the Cape Town Homemakers Expo with their very own store from 4th - 7th...

Teaching the ladies from Retreat Church about Lavender
On the 26th of August, 35 ladies form Retreat Church learnt all about Lavender with Lavender in Lavender Hill. On that rainy Saturday...
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